

Sirius Sipper Wine Club

There is no cost to join and you may cancel at any time. Four automatic shipments per year Each quarter we will select
and package 2 bottles of our premium wines for your enjoyment. You may select to either pick them up at our tasting
room or have them shipped to you. Discounts Members receive a 20% discount on all wines and a 10% discount
on all 
merchandise. This does not apply to already discounted wines or merchandise. Exclusive Events Membership
includes dinners, special events and barrel tasting at the vineyard hosted by the Starrs: Phil, Anne and Jack.

Becoming a Sirius Sipper is easy! 

You must be 21 years of age to join. Wine may be picked up when notified or we can ship it to you. Cost of each shipment
averages $35 plus shipping and handling. Each shipment will be automatically billed to your Visa, Mastercard, or Discover.
Complete the following form and return to Sierra Starr.

Sirius Sipper Sign up form


Sirius Sipper Newsletter
December 2014

March 2015

June 2015

Subscribe by email:

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